It is of the utmost and paramount importance for a fellow in my position to know that he is not alone in the world. In my position, what are needed and appreciated above all are friends. I should like to thank everyone individually, but obviously logistics won't allow me to do that, and it would be grossly unfair of me to single out some people above others for special thanks - but I have the wish to. So many people have said so many nice things and may I assure you all that this fight will continue regardless. I am right, and when a fellow is right it gives him a strength and determination of unparalleled tenacity.
William Jennings Bryan, an American politician (1860-1925) once said:
"The humblest citizen in all the land, when clad in the armour of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of Error."
I do have that tenacity because I know deep down that I am right and I ask for Justice. I am scheduled for a verbal hearing before the Parole Board on November 28th 2006. I have enormous optimism about it, but absolutely no expectations whatsoever. If I was guilty I would be a free man by now. I am an articulate sort of fellow, fully capable of saying what needs to be said, and yet for 20 years I have been unable to make one millimetre of headway against the system. What hope is there for someone who cannot articulate? At the end of the parole hearing I shall write an account of it to be put here on this website. We will see how it goes and whether fairness or justice plays a part.
Again may I say thank you, all of you, and may I invite you to ask others to check the website. Thank you.
The Voice In The Wilderness